Information on Merchant Accounts,
Ecommerce and Credit Card Processing

May 24th, 2006 by Jamie Estep

Article – 10 Easy Steps to a Horrible Ecommerce Site

Filed in: Ecommerce |

I wish that I would have seen this article sooner. Jason Chance of wrote an article, 10 Easy Steps to a Horrible Ecommerce Site, that covers many of the mistakes that new online businesses make. Here are a few excerpts from the article. I highly recommend new and existing online business owners to take a look at it.

Whatever shopping cart you use, the “stock” or default look is fine. After all, if it wasn’t the best layout of all time, why would they distribute it as “stock” in the first place?

All that junk about customers “Caring about their privacy” and being “Worried about identity theft” is unfounded. Just ask my friend “John” from Indonesia. Hey, by the way, he has $30,000,000.00 he wants to send you. He just needs your credit card number along with your name and billing address.

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