June 5th, 2006 by Jamie Estep
Motient and Mobitex No More
Filed in: Credit Card Equipment, Industry News |
I just found out about some very important news that is highly relevant to anyone using a Nurit 3010, a Nurit 2090 or any other wireless terminal that operates on the Motient or Mobitex networks. In a few months, all Mobitex and Motient network terminals will be unable to process on those networks. Essentially the networks are being shut down for wireless processing. Wireless terminals will only be allowed to operate on the Cingular GPRS network, and soon the Verizon CDMA network. The GPRS and CDMA networks are much more reliable with better coverage than that Motient and Mobitex networks. All Nurit 3010 and Nurit 2090 terminals will be obsolete when the switch is made. Nurit 8000 terminals that do not operate on the GPRS network will also be obsolete.
Because of this recent news, I strongly advise against buying any wireless terminal except a Nurit 8000 GPRS, or a Verifone VX terminal that processes on the GPRS and/or CDMA networks. Additionally, due to the acquisition of Lipman by Verifone, we can expect some major changes in the Lipman product line, and we may possible see Verifone dissolve Lipman into the Verifone product line completely.