December 6th, 2006 by Jamie Estep
Deceptive fees for a merchant account – Heartland wins
Filed in: Merchant Accounts | 15 comments
I rarely bring up specifics about another business on this blog, because I think it is unprofessional and simply irrelevant to focus on other business’s poor practices, but this warranted a break from my norm.
One of our agents was recently in the process of signing a customer up with a merchant account. The business they were talking to was already processing, but was somewhat unhappy with their current level of service and fees and was looking for someone better.
Another merchant account provider that was also trying to gain this business’s merchant account was Heartland Payment Systems. Heartland is one of the larger US based providers ranking at number six in overall volume in the US.
After a recent post on the merchant account services blog, I thought that this was a completely appropriate post about deceptive merchant account fees.
What happened:
Our agent quoted the business a rate of about 1.68% and $.19 per transaction for credit cards (For times sake, I’ll avoid the entire fee structure). Considering that the company was paying over 1.9% on their retail account, this was a significant decrease in price.
Now, while the rate that our agent quoted to this merchant was not the lowest that ever existed, it was a fair, and completely honest rate. What heartland quoted was not an honest rate, it was designed to deceive this business owner.
Heartland’s quote (exactly as written):
Visa / MasterCard | 0.40% |
Transaction Fee | Cost 0.04 to 0.10 |
Mid Qualified Transactions | 0.00% Surcharge |
Non Qualified Transactions | 0.00% Surcharge |
Batch Header fee | Free |
Auto Close | Free |
Online Merchant Center | Free |
Debit Access Fee | Free |
Application Fee | $0.00 |
Installation Fee | $0.00 |
Dedicated Local Service Manager | Free |
Well, sign me up while you’re at it, Heartland!!!
Lets not consider that interchange for this business over 1.6%, and $.10 per transaction, and Heartland’s Dedicated Local Service Manager never even visited this business.
Why is this rate deceptive?
This is called a pass-through or interchange plus rate, and while it’s not an extremely bad pass-through rate, it was presented in a deceptive manner. Basically, heartland passes the interchange cost to the business, and then adds their own fees to the rate. If interchange was 1.65% and $.10 per transaction, they add their .4% and $.10, to make it 2.05% and $.20 per transaction. Not much of a deal anymore, especially since the business was currently paying 1.9%, and not one place on the proposal mentioned that interchange would be charged as well. Earlier on the application the words: Fully Disclosed, Competitive Pricing, are in bold with an excellent paragraph explaining how Heartland doesn’t increase fees, and only passes interchange fee changes to the customer. They make a special point to let the business know that if interchange goes down, they also lower the passed fees as well.
How many times has interchange gone down? – Never!!!
What is really upsetting, is that the majority of business owners, would actually think they are getting a merchant account at .4%. Compare that to a decent rate of 1.7% and lets see who they go with. Heartland makes a ton of claims about their honesty, full disclose, even has a website, but then sends this garbage to a potential customer, with no disclosure about interchange fees.
This is a completely deceptive proposal, and doesn’t even approach the concept of full disclosure. The app did have the interchange fees on it, but the proposal did not.
I wonder how many hundreds, or even thousands of businesses have been sold by this company based on this same deceptive fee structure.